Art.89-500 Valvola a sfera in acciaio al carbonio ASTM A 216 WCB, sfera in acciaio cromato A108-CS da 1/4 a 1” e in A216 WCB da 1 1/4 a 2” con leva con ritorno automatico di sicurezza, da ¼ a 1” serie 2000 psi WOG e da 1 ¼ a 2” serie 1500 psi WOG. In conformita alle Federal specifications USA WWW-V-35C, Tipo II e a MSS SP-110
La stessa valvola può essere fornita in bronzo
Art.89-500 Carbon steel ball valve with spring return handlee threaded, 1/4”to 1” 2000 psigWOG, 1-1/4” to 2” 1500 psig WOG, cold non-shock, 150 psig saturated steam, vacuum service to 29 inches Hg. USA Federal Specification: WW-V-35C, Type: II, Composition: CS, Style: 3. MSS SP-110; Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends
All components of lever in stainless steel. Opening torque is approx. three times the standard valve torque