Valvola di ritegno a clapet serie ANSI 125/150. Cappello bullonato, anelli della sede rinnovabili, scartamento secondo le norme ANSI 16.10, disegno API 600 estremità flangiate secondo le norme ASME/ANSI B16.10.
STANDARD: MSS SP-71, “Gray Iron Swing Check Valves Flanged and Threaded” • ASME B16.10
Cold Working Pressure:
200 psi (13.8 Bar) at 100°F (2”-12”)
150 psi (10.3 Bar) at 100°F (14”-20”)
Saturated Steam:
125 psi (8.6 Bar) to 353°F(178°C) (2”-12”
100 psi (6.9 Bar) to 338°F(170°C) (14”-20”)
Temperature Range*: -29°C (-20°F) to 207°C (406°F)

Flanged Cast Iron Swing Check valve provides full flow capabilities. It provides reliable and economical protection against reverse flow.
The Swing Check valve can reliably be installed in most plumbing and heating systems (or building service piping)
STANDARD: MSS SP-71, “Gray Iron Swing Check Valves Flanged and Threaded” • ASME B16.10, “Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves”
Cold Working Pressure:
200 psi (13.8 Bar) at 100°F (2”-12”)
150 psi (10.3 Bar) at 100°F (14”-20”)
Saturated Steam:
125 psi (8.6 Bar) to 353°F(178°C) (2”-12”
100 psi (6.9 Bar) to 338°F(170°C) (14”-20”)
Temperature Range*: -29°C (-20°F) to 207°C