Art. 1850 Valvola a clapet con doppio battente tipo wafer o Lug con monogramma API6D e CE, prodotta nelle classi da ANSI 150 a 600.
Disponibile con corpo in WCB, WC6, WC9, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, CN7, LC1, LC, LC, LCB, LCC, Monel, 20# Alloys, 4A, 5A, Bronzo alluminio C95800, C95500
Art. 1850 Dual plate wafer or Lug type swing check valve API 594, pressure test API 598 , produced from ANSI 150 to ANSI 600
Available with body in WCB, WC6, WC9, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, CN7, LC1, LC, LC, LCB, LCC, Monel, 20# Alloys, 4A, 5A, Aluminium bronze C95800, C95500

Manufacturing Standards
API 6D, 600, 598, 591, 602, 6FA, 594, 6A
ISO 14313, 10497, 5752, 7259, 5996, 7005, 5210, 5211, 520
ANSI-ASME B16.34, B16.10, B16.20, B16.25, B16.5, B16.47, B16.42, B1.1, B16.1
AWWA C500, C501, C508, C509
AWS 5.9, AWS 5.1, AWS 5.4, AWS 5.5, AWS 5.13, AWS 5.14, AWS 5.15