Art 810s 40-100-250 Valvola a sfera con corpo in acciaio al carbonio ASTM A 105 e sfera inox AISI 420, oppure con corpo, e sfera in inox AISI 316, sedi in PTFE, in esecuzione a passaggio ridotto o totale, stelo non eiettabile, disegno fore safe BS 6755 part 2 1987, scartamento e flange UNI-DIN PN 10, 16 (oppure ANSI 150)
Art. 810s 25-40 valvola come sopra ma PN 25- 40
Art. 810s100 come sopra ma serie PN 100
Art 810s160 come sopra ma serie PN 160 (con sedi speciali)

Art 810s250 come sopra ma serie PN 250 (con sedi speciali)
A richiesta la valvola può essere fornita con corpo quadro per permettere la foratura ISO e il montaggio dell’attuatore
Art 810s 40-100-250 Ball valve with body in carbon steel ASTM A 105 and ball in stainless steel AISI 420, or with body and ball in stainless steel AISI 316, seats in PTFE. In execution reduced bore or full bore, blow out proof stem, fire safe BS 6755 part 2 1987, face to face and flanges UNI-DIN PN 10, 16 or ANSI 150.
Art. 810s 25-40 ball valve as above but PN 25- 40
Art. 810s100 as above but PN 100
Art 810s160 as above but PN 160 with special seats
Art 810s250 as above but PN 250 with special seats
On request the valve can be supplied with square body to allow to have the ISO flange on the top for actuator.