Art 86A-100 Valvola a sfera in tre pezzi bullonati in acciaio inox, Disegno MSS SP-110, marcatura in conformità a MSS SP-25, test MSS SP 110, NACE standard MRO 175 edizione 2000, estremità NPT, GAS, SW, BW. Questa valvola è prodotta anche in acciaio al carbonio.
Art 86J-100 Valvola come sopra in acciaio inox DUPLEX
Art 86A-100 Stainless steel ball valve in three bolted pieces, Design MSS SP-110, produced and marked in conformity to MSS SP-25, test MSS SP 110, NACE standard MRO 175 edition 2000, female screwed NPT, GAS, SW, BW. This valve is produced also in carbon steel and in bronze.
Art 86J-100 as above but fully made in DUPLEX stainless steel