
70-100 Bz ball 600psi

70-100 SeriesITA

Valvola a sfera in bronzo, serie 600 psig (bar 41,36), con corpo in bronzo ASTM B584-C84400, sfera in ASTM B16 (ottone) [61,5 Cu; 35,4 Zn; 2,5 Pb; Fe 0,35] cromato. Stelo e premistoppa in ASTM B16, sedi in R-PTFE, estremità filettate NPT o BSPP. Corpo in due pezzi, stelo non eiettabile, sedi rinforzate, premistoppa registrabile. Rating 600 psig WOG, 150 psi vapore saturo. Filettata NPT o BSPP

CE (logo)

Prodotta in conformità alle norme MSS SP 110, alle specifiche federali USA WW-V-35C, type II. USA Federal Specification: WW-V-35C, Type: II, Composition: BZ, Style: 3.

Art. 71-140 Valvola come sopra con sfera e stelo in inox AISI 316

Art. 76FJ-100 Valvola come sopra in acciaio inox DUPLEX 


Bronze ball valve series 600 psi wog cold non-shock, 150 psi saturated steam, (See referenced P/T charts) Vacuum Service to 29 inches Hg. Full bore, two pieces body, blow-out-proof stem design, reinforced seats, adjustable packing gland threaded,

MSS SP-110. - USA Federal Specification: WW-V-35C, Type: II, Composition: BZ, Style: 3.

Series 70-140 As above with ball and stem in stainless steel 316

Series 76FJ-100 As above but fully made in DUPLEX stainless steel