Art 1449 Valvola commutatrice a tre vie serie PN 16, sedi in acciaio inox. La valvola é prodotta in esecuzione normale o con soffietto per olio dei trasformatori o per fluidi infiammabili, estremità flangiate PN 16
Art 1469 Valvola commutatrice a tre vie serie PN 25/40, sedi in acciaio inox. La valvola é prodotta in esecuzione normale o con soffietto per olio dei trasformatori o per fluidi infiammabili, estremità flangiate PN 25/40
Art 1449 Three-way globe valve in cast iron GG25, rating PN 16, stainless steel AISI 304 seats, stem in AISI 420. With the disc completely lowed the two parallel ports are in communication, with the disc completely up the left port indicated with an arrow is in communication with the inferior port and the right port is closed. On request the valve is produced with bellow seal for transformer oil and inflammable fluids, flanged DIN PN 16 and on request with ANSI 150 flanges.
Art 1469 Cast steel or cast stainless steel three-way globe valve, rating PN 25/40, stainless steel seats. On request produced with bellow seal for transformer oil and inflammable fluids, flanged DIN PN 25/40